[color=fff200][b]~Ryley Grisdoe~[/b][/color] It didn’t take long for Ryley to outrun the spider pokemon. Having too many legs can slow you down apparently. Once they were out of sight, he slowed down a bit, realizing he did kinda leave the others behind. They were the reason he ventured after them in the first place, but those spiders… Thankfully, the unpleasant thoughts of spiders were interrupted by the rest of the group running away. From more spiders… Well, it was time for another fun run through the forest of spiders. Luckily it was lot shorter than his previous run, as they escaped onto the route fairly quickly. Now the group was back in one piece. That was one way to start off their journey! The topic of where the group was headed continued as it had before the pokemon catching spree. Melody, Abigail, and Avery had voted to go north towards Blackthorn. That left five votes to be tallied, with the re-appearance of the musician. Peggy brought up the original idea of going to Cherrygrove. Then everything escalated yet again. Abigail laughed at Peggy’s desire to meet up with family, and proceeded to verbally slap her back and forth. It felt as though she was being cruel just for cruelty’s sake, but she was probably being honest with herself. That was worse in some cases. Adding fuel to the fire came Alex with a series of small verbal jabs at Abigail. Melody tried to mitigate the situation, but it was too late. In retort to Abigail’s verbal slapping, Peggy had literally slapped back. Violence should be avoided, but that… that was fairly justified. Even so, it shocked Ryley to see the nervous Peggy respond like that. He was sure the rest of the group, even Peggy herself, felt similarly. Though from there, the group responded a bit differently. Mr. Music started off by playing a song about the slap. And slapping in general. Weird. Blake responded in a huge fit of laughter to the slap, then the song. Laughter only made things worse, but Ryley could see why Blake found the situation hilarious. Lastly, Avery completely misinterpreted everything and gave Peggy and Abigail a ‘GROUP HUG’. This, along with Abigail’s stammering to the hug, not the slap, managed to earn a small chuckle from Ryley. Somehow Avery had helped defuse the situation immensely. Perhaps everyone needed a bit of airheadedness in their lives. After the hug and song had finished, Abigail spat one more insult to Peggy, but followed up with what could be seen as an apology. Everyone did have a conscience after all. Well, except for the sociopaths, but that’s a different story. Things seemed to settle down as Abigail walked off wearily, Melody following with a glance towards the group. Despite the calm, it felt as though the group had split apart. That needed to be fixed. [color=fff200]“How about we make camp soon guys?”[/color] Having the group settle down would be really helpful towards mending bridges. [color=fff200]“I don’t know about you guys, but a bit of rest sounds amazing”. [/color]