[center][h3][color=39b54a]- Peggy Atkinson -[/color][/h3][/center] With that single slap, chaos broke lose from the rest of the group, and Peggy, currently seeming to be in a state of shock from what she had just done, just watched blankly as the madness unfolded. Jackson pulled out a guitar-like instrument and started playing a mocking song, unmistakably directed at Abigail, and Blake was now in hysterics. Avery, with a shout of [color=f7941d]“Aww… GROUP HUG~!”[/color], gathered both Peggy and Abigail in a warm, friendly embrace, and Peggy could only imagine he was trying to act peacekeeper. Her body tensed at the contact. She got hugs from her mother often, as Erica seemed to need some reassurance throughout the day that Peggy was not only safe, but still loved and appreciated her as a mother. However, Peggy hadn't been hugged by a guy for over a year now, since her grandfather had died, it made her feel uncomfortable. She apparently wasn't the only one. [color=662d91]"G-get off!"[/color] snapped Abigail. Peggy could see that she blushing as she tried to pull away from the boy. Seemed like she and Abigail ahd at least one thing in common. [color=662d91]”Arceus Avery, warn me next time when you're going to go touching people! Some of us don't...don't like...uhm...the whole...touching thing."[/color] After getting free of Avery's hug, Abigail turned back to Peggy. [color=662d91]"You know,"[/color] she continued. [color=662d91]"I'm not going to waste my time on someone with such hideous taste in clothes."[/color] The words stung a little, but no where near as much as Abigail's earlier comments about Peggy's family. [color=662d91]"I mean really, green? That is the most disgusting color in the history of mankind. I think you'd actually look better in...maybe a bright red? Perhaps a blue or a yellow."[/color] Peggy didn't say anything in return and simply watched as Abigail walked off a little away from the rest of them. Was she mad? Upset? It seemed like she might be. Melody followed soon after, and Peggy was left there, being awkwardly hugged by Avery. After a moment, Peggy pulled away from Avery's hug, feeling the shock starting to wear off a little and give way to sensations of guilt and shame. Why had she done that? Peggy hugged hers arms to her chest, looking down at her shoes. Yes, what Abigail had said was mean, but was hitting her really the best response? She should have just sucked it up and remained silent and unmoving, should have just taken it. At worst, she should have attempted some kind of retort, not too hurtful but snappy enough. But no, Peggy'd gone and overreacted. Big surprise. While Peggy was moping, Jasper had been watching her trainer with half-interested expression, but seemed to be getting bored now that Peggy had gone all mopey on her and turned her attention to some leaves blowing past, carried by a gentle breeze, and went after them, batting and swiping at them with her paws in a manner that partly playful, yet partly aggressive. Now that the chaos was slowly started to die down, Ryley, clearly the most mature of the group, stepped forward. [color=fff200]“How about we make camp soon guys? I don’t know about you guys, but a bit of rest sounds amazing”.[/color] Peggy didn't respond, didn't feel she had the right to speak at the moment after how she had behaved and simply shifted her weight awkwardly from foot to foot.