Jayna smiled a bit but it quickly faded as she heard no response. She sighed some and then stepped out of the kitchen and looked into the room where she had left him. Well, damn, where would he have gone. The doctor said he should be resting still and that it would take a few days on the medicine to start healing and correcting the infection that had gotten into his system. Sighing some she began to search the house. "Luka.. Luka.." She called out through the house but with no luck on finding him. Soon she found herself in the living room and the door was slightly ajar, did he go out it. He shouldnt of, the village did not know him and if they found out about he could be in danger. Many have lost a close friend or family because of the curious ones who have ventured over the wall. Without any thought she opened the door letting it slowly close as she walked outside and looked each way trying to spot him. Surely it wouldnt be that hard as it was he would stand out, not being like them. She looked around the house and then sighed some when she still didnt see him. She then looked to the snow and began to follow the freshest footprints, in hopes this would lead her to him. She worried about his safety and how the village might react to a boy they didnt know wondering the village especially after Sam was attacked like he had been. "Luka.." She called out in hopes he might hear his name and pause or give her a chance to catch up or find him at least.