The servants bustled about the hall and nearby rooms, cleaning up. They eyed Martin with suspicion. After all, the human was wearing one of their uniforms, yet they couldn't tell who he was. The human would be considered Mithias' responsibility, for the moment. Mithias ignored the servant vampires. They were slaves, tragically bound to Bedivere's will. That was the sad fact about Bedivere's line. No matter who he turned, they lost their individuality. Despite the size of Bedivere's family, the old vampire was alone. "I am flattered, human, but you vastly overestimate my capability." Mithias shifted his weight onto one leg as he kept an eye on Martin who he scurried cautiously to the side of the vampire that was away from the exit, where any gunfire might come from. "Within this castle, this very night, the future of vampire-human relations is being decided upon by the elders. We may go to war. If so, Contagion will be returned to its master and certainly used against your kind. If not, it may be sealed away, and its master hunted down." Mithias looked at Martin for a moment, trying to read how much the strange human cared about the matter. He inhaled and sighed heavily. "But I can already tell you. There will be no war. The rebel leader is weak. He doesn't know what he is doing, and very few of the oldbloods still have the mental capacity to work together. Most of them are looking forward to an end to their meaningless existence and would enjoy a good bloodbath amongst themselves before they go." His eyes seemed to unfocus reflectively as he looked back toward the meeting room. Perhaps he was saddened by this. "Even if I could get you Contagion, human, for whoever it is you work for, I am not so interested in your Exile Stone as I am in tracking down the Purge assassin, Kaminokage, and putting an end to the creation of others like him. Now..." Mithias' eyes moved to Martin's cellphone intentionally, then back to his face. "It would be a shame to destroy such a valuable, historical building as Castle Carfax. I would very much like to preserve it." Truly, Mithias wasn't so worried as he implied. It had only been an image of his father sitting in Bedivere's seat, with the real Gabriel still anonymous to even Mithias. Bedivere would likely be able to escape any attack due to the pools of water that were kept connecting each of his properties.