[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/09/70/78/097078eb4890ac3e4ed9c7eb94a37dbc.jpg[/img] Name Ava Chambers Nicknames A Goes By Ava Age 19 Personality Ava had always been more of a tomboy. She had always been short tempered, quick to anger but protective. Her harsh attitude granted her plenty of enemies and a violent reputation, but for anyone who knew her better, she was protective, strong willed, and loyal. Clothing wise Ava has always prefer things like hoodies and loose jeans. She cut her hair short for convenience and refuses to wear things like heels. However, as of late Ava has been trying to keep her violence down, to open up more to people and be more patient. Ava gets easily embarrassed by girls and will try to cover it up with violence. She feels more comfortable around guys, part of the reason for her awkwardness around girls. History Ava was born with toe older brothers. They were like most brothers, annoying, harsh on occasions, and spiteful of their sister. Even at a young age, Ava had always been independent. Leaving the house often to walk around. And as she grew older, Ava's temper dwindled and she became more prone to violent outbursts. Her physical strength grew stronger as well, as Ava began to take martial arts classes. When high school started was when Ava has turned. By then she was practically a gangster. She skipped school, got a [url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/081/7/4/dragon_tattoo_by_sunflower_skoops-d5yw6nx.jpg] tattoo[/url] on her back, and hot into fights. Though she never stooped so low as to smoke or drink. However meeting the people who are now her friends changed Ava. She began to try and be nicer, though her temper is still quite short. Now that high school is over Ava decided what she was going to do with her life. She decided to be a police officer. A job that would put her physical strength and martial arts prowess to good use. Ava has yet to begin police training bit she will, after her nice vacation with her friends at the cabin. Other The nickname A is from her gang HAGS [/center]