Nidhogg, Utakan City, Former Construction Status: Playing with a nimble little Squirrel "Calling me arrogant when you deemed to name yourself legendary, I sense hypocrisy, and tell, what makes you so 'Legendary', hmm." Nidhogg mocked as he effortlessly blocked Lancer's kick with his arm, doing nothing to stop him as he propelled himself towards where his weapon was, in the midst of an undulating tangle of roots. "You lived, you died, people sang your praises, and yet what has that gotten you, aside an afterlife of subservience to foolish Magus when they call upon you for petty squabbles over a foolish cup." Nidhogg took notice of another presence through the sensory roots he had spread throughout, deeming it un important as a soear formed in his hand, this one much denser then the others, made from many more roots than the others. It pulsed in his hand, and was covered with all kinds of jagged bits to rip flesh and bone. "Also, you seem quite certain for some reason that my bestial nature puts me below you, a trait present in most humans which I find hilarious. The arrogance you hold as a species is matched, and sometimes, even surpasses that of the gods." Nidhogg wasn't really much for talking in a battle, but he decided to humor the foolish meatbag, mimicing the tone he had taken through out the fight with all of his blather, even twirling his spear around in a similar fashion. But that stopped the moment that Lancer got close to his weapon, as he then blurred into action, sending the spear rocketing through the air with all of his strength, as well as using Prana Burst. It would come screaming at lancer, followed by several lighter spears that were launched by the tendrils surrounding him. Now, being of the Lancer class, Nidhogg knew that the man would probably be only grazed by the first projectile(a graze that would likely tear off a good chunk of his armor and leave a deep gash where it hit, but still a graze) and dodge or defect the others, but the Beast had an excellent surprise in store for the nimble monkey that would keep him beautifully in place. The tendrils around the Naginata would be unable to keep Lancer from reaching his weapon, though they would still launch a furious assault to prevent him, though the attack pattern would be the same as before, exactly what he would expect from a 'filthy beast' as he so wonderfully put it. The moment he would grasp the weapon, he would find himself in a good deal of pain as root strands, so thin that only the eyes of the Archer class would notice them in time, that ran the course of weapon instantly dug into his hand, or hands if he used both, entertwining to become thicker as they burrowed into his arm, attachung themselves to his bones, muscles, even his nerves. Even if he used that freezing ability to kill the roots and stop their advance, it wouldn't help him deal with those inside him. The roots of Yggdrasil grew fast and dug in deep, and the only way to safely remove them, even when dead, was for Nidhogg to take them out. This would hinder his foe's fighting ability a good deal, as the stiffnes of the roots would make it difficult to bend his wrists, elbows, even his shoulders if they got that far. As that happened, the rest of the tendrils would quickly converge on Lancer. They would wrap around him like constrictors and were strong enough to hold him in place for Nidhogg's spears to reach him. After the Spear attack, Nidhogg would charge, again coming in with another all-out haymaker punch to utterly crush his foe into the dirt. If Lancer evade that, he would find himself beset on all sides by tendrils, both the slow, stronger ones from underground and the viciously fast, but not as damaging tendrils from Nidhogg's own armor. Nidhogg had indeed decided to stop playing around with his food, if only a little. Lancer was no different from the infinite number of disgraced human souls he had devoured, just another arrogant warrior who believed himself to be one of the greatest even in death, except people actually fed this one's ego. [i]Human nature rarely changes, no matter how many years goes by. Makes for a rather boring menu after awhile, to be honest.[/i] [@Hebigami Shiho] [@TwilightDragon]