Dorisma turned at the loud crackling sound of something moving very fast and then a loud boom. She faced a group of three goblins and her companions already engaged in time to see what appeared to be the leader attack the small kobold and deal a grievous wound. Furiously she charged forward leaping over the kobold and inserting herself between him and his opponent while savagely swinging her leg from left to right clipping one of the goblins and slamming solidly into the boss man. She grinned excitedly as she felt a familiar berserker rage fill her body and she embraced the strength that came from it empowering her strike. Dorisma also attempted to roar at them but for some reason the air caught in her throat and she simply ended up coughing, however she quickly recovered and adopted a defensive stance in front of the Robert. She wasn't going to let another friend die, even if it was a new made one.