[u][b]Esther Vanhomrigh - 5th Period, Practice Class[/b][/u] Head slowly swiveling as her hawk-eyes scanned the firing lines, she waited until the last student had finished their shots before announcing her range 'Cold'. [b]"Cease fire, cease fire! Shooters on the firing line, unload and show clear! Step off of the line and back to the weapon racks to secure your weapons. Grab your equipment and prepare for your next class, the range is now declared cold!."[/b] Reaching into her coat pocket, she once again slipped out her Scroll to check the time. Expanding it to its tablet form, she tapped at the screen. As she controlled the automated range from her Scroll, the targets lowered down into their pits. Quick snapshots were taken by the range cameras and fresh targets rotated out the newly shot up ones. At either ends of the range, two 'Roomba' looking bots appeared hovering low over the grounds and skirted the line. Powerful magnets collecting the spent brass casings to clean the range. Still issuing electronic commands to the range from her Scroll, she mentioned something in passing to the students as they locked up their stock weapons and grabbed their things. [b]"You are being notified that Beacon Academy will be monitoring and keeping track of all progress, or lack thereof. Your obstacle course times and shot groups will be sent to Headmaster Ozpin himself to review as time goes on. Input from myself and Professor Iderson, along from Headmaster Ozpin will ultimately determine your grades and future attendance in this course. With that, this concludes your time with us this period."[/b] Collapsing her Scroll, she looked up at them as they began to file back towards Beacon and off of the range. Pocketing her Scroll and adjusting the brim of her cover, she folded her hands behind her back and headed off in a different direction from the students. [b]"We will see you all in the near future. Don't be late."[/b] she said with cold finality. As she walked into the treeline and vanished from eyesight, her gloved hands unfolded and reached into a different coat pocket. Pulling out a zippo lighter and small metal tin, she opened the metal tin and slipped out a cigarette. Sliding the tin back into her coat, she put the cigarette to her lips and flicked the lighter open with a [i]ting[/i]. With a [i]schick[/i] the paper on the end of her cancer stick burned and crackled quietly. She [i]clicked[/i] her zippo shut and pocketed it. Leaning against a tree, hidden in the vast woods surrounding Beacon, she removed her cover. Hanging it on a stubby branch sticking out from the tree she leaned on, she looked up through the canopy at the skies above. Sure, she was part of the faculty and she was still technically on school grounds. Maybe there was a 'No Smoking' policy, maybe there wasn't. She didn't really care. Brushing a strand of her raven hair off of her brow, she took a deep drag. Exhaling a thick stream of smoke, she sighed as the acrid smoke had filled her lungs and bloodstream with the wonderful stimulant nicotine, amongst other things. The students probably saw her to be a 'by-the-books' kind of woman, straight as a board. In actuality, she wasn't all that straight. Not that she would let anyone else know or see. All to maintain a professional appearance, really. Not that she really gave any fucks. Here was her haven, this was her break in between classes. She rated it. [u][b]Kuhaku Shiro - 5th -> 6th Period, Computer Science[/b][/u] The first thing that Shiro was immediately hit with upon entering the Computer Science class was the heavy and depressive dark. Not that the dark bothered him, it was just [i]incredibly[/i] so. In stark contrast with the rest of the room, the quietly humming computer workstations were harshly bright. It took his sensitive eyes a moment to adjust to things. In addition to the odd lighting conditions, the room was frigidly cold. He understood that electronics preferred to function better in cool environments, but he hated the cold. Already he was considering maybe having this class swapped. As he stood amongst the group of students attending this class with him, his tail swayed up in the air behind him in curiosity. Eyes and ears darting around, he didn't pay too much attention to the teacher. The man seemed a bit drab, dull and bland. Very much so unlike some of the more 'colorful' Beacon staff. He didn't seem to deny the idea he was reclusive either, more so embracing it. Shiro snickered a little upon hearing the teacher's name. Such odd names he's learned in just one day, but what kind of name was 'Ni'? For some reason he couldn't explain, he felt like adding some odd honorfic to the end of it.. At least he was a straight and to the point kind of man. Picking his desk, he quickly followed the instructions given as told. Breezing through the first few steps with ease. It wasn't until he had opened up the 'Student Assignments' folder that his ears slowly drooped and a look of dread came over him. He must've misunderstood something when he elected for this class. Shiro isn't electronically illiterate, he knows his way in, out, and around a computer's tower. But therein lies the problem. Shiro is more hardware inclined, able to isolate and troubleshoot problems with bad computer components and swap them out to repair them. He knew how to physically build and repair a piece of equipment. Not code and program it. Software and programming was one of his weakest points of technological knowledge. Shrinking down, he nervously looked around at the other students to see if they were just as confused and intimidated like he was. Swallowing dryly, he was seriously considering rescheduling this class out now. [i]"Aww, man..I must've made a mistake."[/i] He squinted at the screen, still trying to get used to the stark light and dark contrasts. [i]"Object classes?...Parameters?...Strings?...Like, yarn or..."[/i] Already he could foresee himself having trouble with this class. But, that was the point of it all, right? To increase and better his education and knowledge. Never one to just focus on his strengths, this would be covering one of his 'weaknesses' right? An all-around average and well-rounded Hunter, right? Right? A bead of cold, nervous sweat rolled down the side of his face as he groaned quietly to himself.