[b]Name:[/b] Ardee Karchak (actual) Thom Adonis (Assumed) Age: 32 Gender: Female, but currently disguised as a Male, as she's well aware of the power the opposite sex holds in the lands outside Kalesia Faction/Allegiance: Kalesian Empress(May she live forever) Relic Description: Ardee's relic is a brown, short, quill pen, that does two things. One, it can permanently alter someone or something's looks and physical traits. The looks is fairly obvious. She dips her quill pen in someone and her own blood, and draws them a new body, clothing, and face. The traits she has to list to the side. For simple things such as 'strong' or 'fast', it only requires the first dip and she's done.For things like 'super humanly fast' or 'unnaturally strong' she requires more blood, a pint to be exact. For something as extravagant as 'can cast fire balls' requires more blood, at least 1 quart. The more powerful and extravagant, the more quarts required. It's easy for her to go back to normal, she just needs to smear the image in her note book with a bit of her blood and it will undo all the changes done. This can happen accidentally, if her drawing is destroyed or accidentally ruined. Having your body structure changed is painful. Very much so. For changing things a simple as looks it only takes a dash of blood from each, and she can change hair and eye color, face structure, etc. For changing someone's strength, speed, height, or weight it requires a double the amount of blood required for simple change looks. Supernatural changes, such as magic, Super strength, or unnatural speed are only 24 hours long, and require a 2:1 ratio for people other than herself. Two, it can create simple 2D drawings that are given life and can report back to Ardee. Useful for intelligence gathering that would be too dangerous for her. The complexity of the drawing determines the quality of the intel. A simple flying eye can only give images. A small man can write out or speak the information. This too is made from her blood. Appearance: [hider=image] [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/303/2/b/common_sellsword_concept_by_nimao-d6sdmlr.jpg [/img] [/hider] That's Ardee. Currently she looks nothing like that. She looks like this: [hider=Image] [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs12/f/2006/333/9/f/Ranger_by_jackieocean.jpg[/img] [/hider] Flaws: Combat - Ardee has basic spear training from her time in the camp, so she can hold off your average street thug, but anyone more skilled has her beat. This includes hand to hand combat. Sensitive - Ardee is very, touchy about the subject of rape, and her own self esteem. Sometimes violently so. Doesn't like to be touched - Ardee tries to avoid people touching her at all costs. Dislikes Murder - Ardee, despite all her training, prefers to avoid killing people, if left with any other choice. Skills: Artist - Even before she gained her relic, Ardee was a skilled artist, be it changing how she looks, or simple painting. Actor - Ardee can fake just about anything, given the right tools. Fast - Ardee is very quick, both in the traditional sense of running, and the not so traditional sense of with a spear. Rough survival skills- She can cook her own meal, create simple snares, skin, and knows enough about plants to not eat the ones she's even unsure of. It won't be pretty, but she could eek out an existence in the wilderness. Biography: Ardee has never known her parents. Her mother died in childbirth, and her father was a foreigner who raped her mother then left. She grew up in an orphanage, feeling something was wrong with her despite repeated assurances that there was nothing wrong with her. How did she know she was a child of rape? Children are cruel. One of them had overheard the mother's explanation to the priestesses who ran the orphanage. The rumor was quickly made known and eventually, a few years later, thrown in her face. She was a child of rape, a result of the sick mockery of worship. At best she was unclean at worst she was a living insult to the Goddess, and thus, the Empress(May she live forever). At the age of 12 she decided the simplest thing to do would be to redeem herself by serving, and dying for, the Empress(May she live forever) in the military. Hopefully she could gain a redemption in death. During her time there, she met a young man named Roan. The two became friends, despite it being obvious they were going into different factions of the Kalesian military. Ardee's talents lay more in espionage and deceit, while Roan's was more suited for the mauler cavalry. They managed to stay in touch when they went their separate ways, primarily through letters, and meeting face to face when they could. It was an imperfect system, but one that worked nonetheless. At that same military academy, Ardee met Jana and became fast friends with her as well. While she was close to Roan, Jana made the idea of dying in the service of the Emperor less appealing, pushing Ardee into the decision to join the espionage section of the military. Ardee didn't tell that to her, of course. She hadn't told either of her friends the real reason for joining the military, and wouldn't tell Jana until much later into their relationship. After years of friendship and an attraction everyone but they could see, they finally became lovers and soon after married. They made the marriage work as well as possible, trying to keep as close together as was reasonable, Ardee later using her status as Evoker to make this easier. Then everything changed when Jana got her relic. After the initial panic and she was assured Jana wasn't killed by her Relic, Ardee started fervently scouring any and all archives and texts for a way to reverse the curse. She found none, but refused to give in, finding the perfect excuse later to search other lands for a cure. Ardee actually discovered her Relic by complete accident(years before Jana's own relic find). She was researching in one of the libraries the Imperial Intelligence had and picked up a quill pen to write down notes from a book she was reading. . It was a peculiar sensation, to feel it bonding to her,and the silence was only broken by her heartfelt 'well, damn.' She couldn't do anything but report the event to her superiors, and be moved to another faction of the Empress's(may she live forever) military. As luck would have it, her Relic only increased her talents in the Imperial Intelligence force. Still, she spent some time learning how to control her new powers, and during that time, word of Roan Adonis's betrayal reached her. It was a hurtful, enraging blow. Upon learning of his betrayal to the Empress(may she live forever) and his subsequent escape, she begged her superiors the right to track him down with Jana and demand answers. Much to her relief, she was given that right. And much to her joy, they could now search the archives of other nations. Personality/motivation: Ardee is usually reserved and dignified, keeping her true emotions a secret from everyone but her closest friends. When you can put on emotions like most people put on clothes, you tend to stop showing your true emotions for everyone to see. She's mistrusting of new people, thinking that they might have an agenda that they aren't showing. However once she's sure you're not going to betray her, and you're a friend, she's fiercely protective. Ardee never had many friends and she treasures the few she does. Right now however, her confusion and anger aren't faked. Roan was one of the most loyal people she knew. And to hear of his betrayal was a blow she was not prepared for. She's more concerned with finding a way to help Jana than she is with actually bringing him in right now, but when they find them, she'll get answers. One way or another. Relations: She had a strong friendship with Roan Adonis before word of his betrayal reached her. Wife of Jana Karchak