[hider=Appearance][b]Appearance:[/b] Soia has short black hair, shorter at the sides than the top, and is relatively dark skinned. He has dark brown eyes, and wears black gi trousers, with a white tanktop, because the upper half got so ragged he had to throw it away.[/hider] [hider=Basic Info][b]Name:[/b] Soia [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male[/hider] [hider=Dossier] [b]Personality:[/b] Soia is quite a prideful guy, he has a high moral code (although his definition of morals can be a little...odd) that he sticks to no matter what. That said, he's extremely playful and loves having a laugh, especially through playing pranks. He's always been in awe of people who could fight, and so ever since he received combat training he's always worked hard so he can be just like them. He loves discovering new techniques and is constantly trying to push his body to do new things. [b]Background Information:[/b] Soia grew up in a relatively large city, one of the last few to be ravaged by the androids, which meant his childhood was luckily longer than most. He had a lot of friends and family there, so his early years were pleasant enough. After news reports after news reports of cities being razed came to them, his family and his friends' families decided to flee the city before it was too late. They have been living in an ancient network of caves in a mountain range near that city. At the age of 3 Soia went to a grand demonstration of martial arts, and ever since then has been enamored with combat training. So his parents enrolled him in a club where he slowly worked up through the belts, until they had to flee. He's kept practicing, however, and as he's grown up his skills have also matured.[/hider] [hider=Power] [b]Power Level:[/b] 1981 [b]Technique:(Super Awesome Teleportation Kick of Death):[/b] (he doesn't yell that every time he does the technique, otherwise he'd never get round to actually doing it. Sometimes known as the SAT Kick) Basically, Soia kicks opponent in the face, then teleports behind them while they're still dazed, and roundhouse kicks to the back of the head, which if he does it hard enough knocks them out or at least dazes them enough so he can beat them up more. At the moment he can only do one jump (but in the future it would be cool if he could do multiple jumps so the opponent gets really pulped).[/hider]