Martin seemed unfazed by the revelations of wars or bloodbaths. "Truely you can amass enough influence to let me pass through and leave with the blade, so that I might secure it. So it may be contained and-" Martin froze up as Llusia spoke. He hadn't noticed her, and even though he always expected to miss things, she caught him mid ramble. He took a deep breath and spun around to greet her. "The question of what I am is a loaded one indeed. For on one side I am a mere nameless, faceless, senseless mortal. But one shouldn't care for what I am m'am. But for what I could be to you. A broker of power, a brilliant well of information." Martin looked Llusia up and down. "...A plaything." He grinned a mischievous smile to hide the instincts in the back of his head as they panicked over his position. "The reason you wish to conspire, is the wide array of things I hold that interest you. Powers, locations, weaknesses and predictions. My payment in blades and hours." Martin bowed again. "In the spirit of polite greeting I shall give you a free puzzle piece: [b]You have identified the key, but not the lock.[/b]"