1. Walls reinforced with multiple types of matter. IE water, oil, gas, electric grid, metal, rubber, wood, ect. Also any amount of fail safes in the event of an unforeseen use of his phase ability including tracking tech or detonation collars. He has no real idea how to use the power at this time anyway accept on accident every once in a blue moon. 2. 221 has only been trained in combat. He spent his whole childhood under government and military watch so he was constantly subject to training and exercise whether it was for research purposes or to get him ready to be a soldier and a weapon for the government. But he's not "advanced." in anything other than his physical traits. He has the potential to be advanced due to his genetic blah blah blah but only knows what the military taught him. 3. Thinking about it, I can tone down advance swordsman to Intermediate. The idea was supposed to be he completely ignored any fire arm training but seemed to get a quick hang of a sword. So I just replaced any of the firearm training he might have had with swordsmanship. All that said, I'm perfectly willing to change anything. :]