[color=92278f][b]Name:[/b] [/color]Alexandra Fletcher [color=92278f][b]Online Alias:[/b][/color] Anon [color=92278f][b]Gender[/b][/color] Female [color=92278f][b]Age:[/b][/color] 16 [hider=Appearance:] Average height, though fairly strongish, Alex normally wears a combination of cargo pants, singlet/tee-shirt, a grey belt-full of pouches, and her slightly frayed, kinda faded, blue, light-weight, jacket. (along with the pictured hat aviator goggles and headphones) She tends to walk round bare foot, but when wearing shoes she has a pair of pale brown army boots she affectionately calls her 'face-stompers'. [img]http://www.wallpaperfo.com/thumbnails/detail/20120822/headphones%20video%20games%20touhou%20blue%20eyes%20blue%20hair%20headphones%20girl%20goggles%20short%20hair%20twintails%20soft_www.wallpaperfo.com_8.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=92278f][b]Bio:[/b][/color] A fairly normal tomboy teenage girl, Alex grew up pretty much like ever other kid. Her talents lie in creative things, art and music for example, and she pursues them as much as her slightly lazy self can. Her mum is a relief teacher at the local school, while her dad has a workshop where he fixes things for others, pretty much everything from watches to cars are worked on, although some come out better than others. Alex spends a fair amount of her copious spare time helping round the workshop, lifting, moving, shifting and carrying, everything from tiny screws, to bags of nails, clockwork gears, to tyres. School is done by online courses, and she tends to study a little bit every day, although she often finds that hard when her older brother is doing things on his computer, as it always seem to be more interesting than what she has to do. [color=92278f][b]Weapons:[/b][/color] [hider=Alex's Weapons aka; Couteaux] She wields one on each arm. ‘Dormant’ version consists of a pair of black gloves with a single thick red band wrapping round her wrist and the metal 'back-plate' thingie. [img]https://darkartangel.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/lexs-weapon.jpg[/img] (Couteaux means ‘knives’ in French, according to google translate anyway) [/hider] [color=92278f][b]Abilities:[/b][/color] Alex can manipulate gravity. [color=92278f][b]Tier 1:[/b][/color] Alex’s weapons, Couteaux, starts off as little more than a pair of black gloves with a thick piece of red light-weight metal running along the back of the hand and arm, also extending out from the front, it protrudes in a small blade. She can only manipulate [i]her[/i] gravity to start with, enabling her to move faster, jump higher, and, with a bit of trust and control, walk on walls and ceilings. [color=92278f][b]Tier 2:[/b][/color] Sees an additional blade, sticking out and back from about center arm. A not quite curving blade it reaches up to just past her shoulder when her arms are hanging straight down. Alex will be able to adjust the gravity in a certain space making it heavier of lighter, affecting everything within a certain radius. [color=92278f][b]Tier 3:[/b][/color] The third stage consists of two of those not-quite curving blades, one staying the same, the other sticking forward, instead of the small blade there used to be. At the third stage Alex can limit her manipulation to specific objects. Meaning that she might make a table be affected but nothing else, (although why she’d want to affect a table with gravity is beyond me.) An additional ability Alex will gain is that she can create a motorbike, like the ones from Tron Legacy, with the gloves of her weapon clasped to the ‘handles’. [url]http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/78854-miso-city-secondary-escapades-and-dramas/ic?page=3#post-2569711[/url] [color=92278f][b]Did you read the Rules:[/b][/color] 3