[colour=khaki][h3]JSDF compound Louise [/h3][/colour] [@Flamelord] Louise roughly pulled her witch style hat out from her bag before tossing the bag to the side. She took a moment to straighten her hat, nodding to herself once satisfied. She then pulled a pair of goggles over her eyes before following Archer, jumping off of the ledge in pursuit of her Servant. Though it took her a moment to catch up she eventually managed to match her speed with that of her Servants so that at the apex of his jumps the two of them would be level with each other. [colour=gold]“Neat huh? It a combination of two distinct invoked phenomena, ‘repelled by the earth’ and ‘foot not making contact with the ground’. The combined effect is that I can levitate in place for prolonged periods of time. Not indefinitely of course, I’m not ignoring gravity completely, just negating it to a point. That’s why you need to add some form of propulsion to the mix, especially if you want to actually get anywhere,”[/colour] Louise explained in a cheerful, casual manner. Archer was an intelligent man in life so she assumed he was still possessed of that same curiosity that must have fuelled him in life. Plus she preferred conversation to silence. She was not the stoic type. [colour=gold]“It’s easier for females to pull off, so as you can imagine it’s a pretty popular form of transportation.”[/colour] It didn’t take them long before they left the main city boundaries and entered the outmost districts. Once free from the city it wouldn’t take them long to reach the nearest military base. [colour=gold]“So what’s the plan Archer? Want me to find a safe place to hang back out of sight? I suppose it’s pretty easy for you to get in and out unseen but I’m pretty conspicuous.”[/colour] [colour=khaki][h3]Main Office Ukatan University Assassin [/h3][/colour] [@Gamerdude369] [colour=violet]“I assumed that you might,”[/colour] Charlotte said from behind Jacob. It was not that she had responded overly quickly to his summons but rather that she had been close by to begin with. Behind him in fact. Stalking people came easily to her class after all, to the point that she almost didn’t realize that she was doing it. Of course she had been in her ethereal form so the majority of people would not have seen her to begin with. Her Master had seemed distracted, or focused, she couldn’t yet tell. Either way. [colour=violet]“Do you like?”[/colour] Charlotte had been clothes shopping. It had been with other people’s money but that was beside the point. The style itself was very similar to that which she had donned the night before, a brown scarf wrapped around her neck, tossed over her shoulder, a brown coat over a pale yellow jumper with a blue skirt. On her feet a pair of soft brown boots that extended above the ankle. The only true difference was these clothes were real, so unlike those that she had ethereally manifested previously they had labels, and receipts. Both of which would be useful for maintaining any future ruse. She bought other clothes as well but they were already secreted away for another, more public, occasion. The true difference was with her hair, which was now vibrant and full of life when compared to how it been when she had first manifested. The post execution look was not becoming.