Alfred felt a little lost after the meeting adjourned. The others had gone off to complete various tasks, checking medical equipment, piloting the ship, or setting up personal equipment. Everything Alfred needed was either in his satchel or locked safely away in his cabin. A walkthrough upon arriving had confirmed the positions of repair equipment on the ship, and it looked like everything was fully stocked. Supply kits were stationed in important locations, with basic repair tools included. Alfred wouldn't need to use the tools provided, of course, as he always carried his with him. If they were going to be landing on an open area like the planetary or lunar surface, everyone's personal oxygen supplies would have to be checked and extended, if possible. He would also have to find a new weapon. His shotgun was suited for close quarters, but lacked the range and firepower to necessary for an open fight. The one thing this ship was missing was a proper armory; it seemed like everyone carried only their personal weapons. Sure, there were supply rooms for the missiles and heavy cannons used by the [i]Infinity[/i] and her dropships, but no armor or weapons were available for personnel use. Alfred opened a communication channel with their mission leader, the bio-mechanical weapons specialist. "Greetings, ma'am. I realize it wouldn't be in your department to provide weaponry for the crew, but I was hoping you could help me locate an assault rifle or other semi-automatic weapon suited for open-terrain combat. My weapons are suited more for close-quarters combat, and it sounds like this mission might be the opposite."