[@Orior]: Right, so I've modified Koe Henir's biography to a state that implies less success out of him that it originally did. Ideally, I'll be able to alter his current abilities to less powerful versions of themselves to accomodate this change, e.g. by changing dyl-Dracken Kovos to an ability and reducing the time he can use it for before it starts ruining him, but if you want me to change any of them outright, I can do that too. Incidentally, regarding an earlier question you asked regarding the 30% figure for normal bodily strength, that's based on the figure given in the HSK anime itself, though there are also IRL sources which suggest that this figure is relatively accurate, with the addendum that utilising an excessive amount of strength may or may not actually destroy one's body if one has trained themselves both physically and neurologically to recruit more of their muscle mass into the appropriate actions. But that might all be completely inaccurate, so you'll want to make sure I'm not just spouting BS on that front, I think.