[color=0072bc][h2]Ukatan City, Japan[/h2][/color] [h3]Construction Site Ruins, Thursday[/h3] [color=0072bc] The battle went on as vicious as ever. Neither one of the Servants had gone and harmed each other; Lancer had been dodging whatever the beast had thrown at him and the demonic creature had blocked his strong blows. Akane continue to watch, her eyes wide as she observed Lancer's fluid movements. How could he be so fast? It was almost as if he were inhuman. She wished she could move as nimbly as he could. If she could... she would be at Lancer's side, providing support to her Servant. Maybe she could learn a little bit more of magic? Well... not really moving that quickly, but perhaps she could learn how to heal or how to help Guan in battle, especially when and if he lost his naginata again. Something told her that she should probably look behind her. When she did, she noticed that a figure was upon her, about to bust in her skull. Crying out in shock, she threw herself back in such a violent manner that she almost fell off of the roof. The attack whizzed by her head-- if she had been a little bit closer, she would have been killed. Akane didn't even look directly at her attacker; if she did, she would probably have less time to react. She rolled off of the tin roof, falling off of it and landing on her feet. Without a second thought, she tossed one of the jewels upwards, hearing it clatter onto the roof and exploding only moments after. While the jewel bomb didn't cause much if any damage at all, thick smoke blanketed the rooftop, hoping providing her with enough distraction and cover to escape. [B]"[i] Lancer! [/i]"[/b] she shrieked as she raced away from her attacker, panic beginning to flutter in her chest. She wasn't used to this! What exactly was she supposed to do against such a fast and powerful foe? She should have studied more,  not have wasted time playing video games! [i] Stupid Akane! Stupid!  So stupid![/i] [/color] [[@Hebigami Shiho] [@Raijinslayer] [@Sublimation]]