[@Kurisa][@Phobos] Sai was the last of the three to leave the room, following behind the other two Captains before halting outside of the Head Captain's quarters and allowing the doors to close. She contemplated Captain Akigari's offer with a large grin, of course she'd take him up on it! Socialising with other Captains was important after all. [color=a187be][b]"I'll gladly take you up on that offer Captain Akigari! And Captain Saiyo, on the contrary, I don't think being a Captain is alot of work hehe, I find it quite fun if I say so myself. To be honest, I have no qualms with the size of Squad Thirteen, although I'm glad to know that I'll be getting some new members as the majority of my current members know me too well so it's hard to have any fun with them! I think I'll plan some training ex-err, actually I'll get into that later ehehe"[/b][/color] Sai hummed a chuckle after cutting her speech short. To continue with Captain Saiyo's concerns, he was a newbie after all. He may be experienced but not as much as herself so she understood why he'd find doing his duties hard at first. However, along the course of time, Sai believed that Captain Saiyo would get used to it and wouldn't notice the amount of work involved anymore. [color=a187be][b]"Now how about we go get that tea! I can't wait to hear both of your ideas on the matter!"[/b][/color] Itching to get going, Sai walked closer to Captain Akigari, giving him a stare to urge him to lead the way.