Viola payed less than she owed, but by the time the clerk had finished counting up the coins and realized they weren't enough, the woman had quietly slipped back outside and moved swiftly toward the next store, leaving behind the poor girl working behind the counter to realize she'd just been robbed and was going to be in huge trouble from her boss. There was a shy call from inside the store: "Um, hey, hey! I think you need to forgot some..." Her voice trailed off as Viola made her way down the street and passed a few seeds up to Rufus, who nibbled them appreciatively. She grinned a little and said softly to her furry companion, "That was so perfect I feel a little bad. Should I go back and pay the rest?" There was a short, silent pause before she added, "Nah." She did the same thing in another store before ducking into a small, poorly lit bar and hearing a familiar, flirty voice. Rufus scuttered down and hid in Viola's vest, and as her eyes adjusted she saw a crowd of men, apparently trying to get closer to the twins. Wasn't this just perfect? Her gaze swept across the crowd of the stinky beasts that were men--at least, most of them were--and she felt a nervous twinge. Alcohol, testosterone, and two pretty girls? Didn't seem like a good combination to Viola. They could be in danger. "Are you two alright?" she called out nervously, a little too quietly.