So as I of today I haven't heard from Mahz, which is understandable as he had stuff come up at work. At this juncture I believe we can do some extra stuff. If we start building up the threads we can possibly go ahead and start the ranking system and whatnot. However if we do start and he is able to code it in it could cause a reset of some sort. Are we okay with that? Thr next threads we need are a welcome to the arena thread in which we explain everything. A FAQ thread. And the ranking that itself. In theory I can do two of them but being limited to q phone it may take a while. I'm going home this weekend and can do it Then On my computer. If one of you decide to do themy make sure you will be around to make the updates. Also send whatever you do to me so I can check over it and see what Elkhart is needed. The first tournament can take place as early as May (if we do one every four months and July if we do one every three(since April is almost up)). This is a show we can get started on and then we can transition to a multi verse.