Benoît slammed on the brakes as soon as Chinria left the car bringing it to a screeching halt and looked outside to see what the [b]heck[/b] Chinria was leaving the car for. As he did so he saw a small flicker of blackness from something moving very fast. Moving quickly he exited the vehicle sprinting incredibly fast to catch up to the black blur and still only catching glimpses of it before it vanished from sight. Finally just as he landed on a ridge he saw the figure walk through a waterfall and vanish, a hidden cave then. He whispered to Chinaria, "Follow me, but for the love of Satan do so quietly." Benoît was an old hand at this sneaking thing but he doubted the younger one had the same experience or training. Nonetheless he stealthily slipped behind the waterfall walking into the small cave. His glowing red eyes pierced the dank cave, revealing a metal door. For some reason he felt something strange, it gave him shivers, which was highly unusual he hadn't had shivers since he was human. Shaking off the strange feeling he opened the door looking inside and cautiously following it to where ever it lead. His queen would be most disappointed if he failed in his task