Alright well at the very least I'll make sure the batch of tournament grounds are nice and fair, as the groundsman I will make a bunch of non-exotic locations for yall to fight in fairly. Like this one [hider=Tourney Arena 1] [b]Name:[/b] Prince's Private Arena [img]'s_Colisseum_Underground.jpg[/img] [b]Size:[/b] 25x20 feet [b]Properties:[/b] Invisible barriers past the gated walls, water around main stage is only 2 feet deep. [b]Player Capacity:[/b] 2 fighters only. [b]Description:[/b] A private courtyard Arena where the prince of the castle watches high level fights in a fair arena, but protected by any of the actual carnage from his magical barriers from his balcony seat. [/hider]