[center] [color=00aeef]~Alexis Sinclair~[/color] Well, at least she didn't have to deal with...Anastasia any more. For the love of god, why was she so bad at being...nice to people? Or just interacting with them in general? Oh well, at least it was over with, for now. It seemed, like they were getting roommates. Well...that was just peachy. No, really. She was fine with hanging out with Kitty and all, but being roommates? Along with that Aspen girl...well, she liked her privacy and her space. Being roommates did not sit so well with her. Well, at least she wasn't roommates with Anastasia. ....wait, no, maybe she'd like that. What? No, brain no. That was a bad idea. Horribly bad idea. Don't even go there.... Dear god she was turning into her mom. A small shudder went down her spine from the simple thought. Not that she didn't like her mom or anything...but well, her mom was a bit on the...eccentric side. Thankfully, her thoughts were interrupted by Kitty literally coming out of nowhere. [color=00aeef]"Gah!"[/color] Alexis gave a little shout as Kitty materialized in front of the three of them. [color=00aeef]"For the love of- Kitty, warn me when you're gonna come from nowhere or something."[/color] She said with a sigh. [color=00aeef]"But yeah. Roommates. Fun."[/color] The sarcasm was painfully obvious. [color=f7976a]~Meredith Hillard~[/color] [color=00a651]“I am reminded of a quote by Ms. Pearl Buck. ‘Love cannot be forced, love cannot be coaxed and teased. It comes out of heaven, unasked and unsought.’ I would think that friendship is much of the same? Should we come across similar interests, then marvelous, but otherwise, I wouldn’t suggest forcing ourselves to endure such unpleasant experiences as drinking or ‘human sports things’.”[/color] Meredith seemed a tad bit disappointed by his response. Either she did actually wanted to 'do human sports things' with him, or she was just toying with him. Either way, it didn't last very long before she was back to her usual self. [color=f7976a] "We~el,"[/color] She sang. [color=f7976a]"How can love exist if no one looks for it! That's a silly thing to say!"[/color] She called out after him as he retreated from her presence. Well, that could have gone better. Oh well. Now that the kids were all gathered at the dorms, there was very little else she could do here, and no one that interesting looked like fun to talk to. Perhaps Olivia would be open to a chat or something? Nah, she was feeling hungry. Food, yes food sounded like a good idea. So with a happy little spring in her step, she headed to the cafeteria. [/center]