[color=turquoise]Name[/color] Yuuki Hiwatari [color=turquoise]Appearance:[/color] [hider=Proceed Cautiously][img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140904222654/bleach-rp/images/0/02/15091-anime-paradise-cool-anime-guy_large.jpg[/img] [color=turquoise]Height:[/color] 5'11 [color=turquoise]Weight:[/color] 170 lbs [/hider] [color=turquoise]Age:[/color] 340 [color=turquoise]Gender:[/color] Male [color=turquoise]Hair Colour:[/color] Redish-Brown [color=turquoise]Eye Colour:[/color] Dark Maroon [color=turquoise]Birthday:[/color] June 22th [color=turquoise]Clan/Family:[/color] (If your character belongs to one. Canon clans must be first approved by the GM Kurisa) [color=turquoise]Race:[/color] Shinigami [color=turquoise]Profession:[/color] Shinigami [color=turquoise]Rank: [/color] Unseated [color=turquoise]Spiritual Energy Colour:[/color] Soft Blue [color=turquoise]Power Level:[/color] Unseated [color=turquoise]Personality:[/color] Yuuki is an outgoing and social individual who is filled with energy and fills his words and action with a surge of energy. He doesn't mind being ignored or laughed at, and often agrees that he himself is annoying when talking as he can tire people out with how much he talks. He is never seen with a negative emotion that's on his face, generally being a bubbly person and rarely having a neutral face. The rare moments when a person catches him scowling or rolling his eyes would notice that he brighten himself up before talking to another person. However, penting up all these negative emotions while sooner or latter result in something disastrous later on in the future. [color=turquoise]History:[/color] [color=turquoise]Relationships/Friendships/Rivalries/Siblings[/color] (None) [color=turquoise]Other:[/color] Byakuya, Genpachi and Mayuri [/center] [hr] [center] [color=turquoise]~Zanpakuto~[/color] [color=turquoise]Zanpakuto name[/color] Han'ei suru [color=turquoise]Type[/color] Defensive - Kido [color=turquoise]Zanpakuto Shikai Release Command[/color] Dissipate and Scatter all in your path, Han'ei Suru! [color=turquoise]Spirit Appearance[/color] [hider=Forms] [img]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m217/kaspergm/Heroes6%20creatures/NeuE8.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.wallpaperhi.com/thumbnails/detail/20131026/clouds%20dress%20birds%20pixiv%20green%20eyes%20books%20short%20hair%20skyscapes%20anime%20girls%20hair%20ornaments%20black%20hair%20original%20characters_www.wallpaperhi.com_38.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=turquoise]Spirit Personality/Goals[/color] When being wielded it is expect that the person who hold them, protects their allies and even in some extreme cases their enemies as well from unjustifiable ending. It does take into consideration the ideals of who wields it, before knowing who it's wielder would most likely protect and how far they can be pushed. [color=turquoise]Inner world[/color] [hider= Take a peek?][img]http://www.f-covers.com/cover/floating-island-fantasy-art-facebook-cover-timeline-banner-for-fb.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=turquoise]Sealed appearance[/color] Katana [color=turquoise]Shikai appearance[/color] Katana Hilt [color=turquoise]Bankai appearance[/color] -None- [color=turquoise]Shikai skills[/color] 1. Repulsion - Repels all the Reiatsu of a Zanpakutō, Kidō spell, and even Quincy Arrows. Having the capability of repelling anything classified as Reiatsu or uses Reiatsu as its primary component. Effectively repels all techniques same power as wielder or one rank above, anything above will result in half-damage to wielder. Its effective range of this ability is where the katana blade would be. (7-Post CD) 2. Redirection - Swinging the hilt at the right time, the Shikai with latch onto an ability that is majority of Reiastu or uses it and redirect it from its wielder. Effectively works on all techniques same power as wielder or one rank above, anything above will fail. (5-post CD) 3. Reflection - Preforming the redirection technique is needed first, before following the ability through spinning with the Shikai guiding the redirected ability back at its owner or another opponent. Effectively works on all techniques same power as wielder or one rank above, anything above will fail. (5-post CD) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. [color=turquoise]Bankai skills[/color] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (Ultimate Skill) [color=turquoise]Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills[/color] [/center] [hr] [center] [color=turquoise]Skills[/color] [u][i][b]Zanjutsu[/b][/i][/u] Hozuri Shitonegaeshi [hr] [u][i][b]Kido[/b][/i][/u] [color=goldenrod]Bakudo[/color] #1 Sai #4 Hainawa #8 Seki #9 Geki #9 Horin #11 Kyomon #12 Fushibi [color=red]Hado[/color] #1 Sho #4 Byakurai #11 Tsuzuri Raiden #31 Shakkaho #32 Okasen #33 Sokatsui [hr] [color=chocolate]Hakuda[/color] Tessho [hr] [color=gray]Hoho[/color] Shunpo [/center] [hr] [center] Total points gained: Total Points Spent: Mission log: Points spent and skills gained: [/center]