[colour=khaki][h3]JSDF compound Louise [/h3][/colour] [@Flamelord] [colour=gold]“Yes Sir!”[/colour] Louise said with a light hearted tone as she snapped him a mock salute before hoping off from her broom and onto the ground. [colour=gold]“Bring me back something nice, you hear!?”[/colour] Louise called as she watched Archer do his thing, shifting into his ethereal state so that he would go undetected by the bases personnel and security systems. Unless of course the military had installed some kind of state of the art top secret spiritual detection mechanism. Which they didn’t. Probably. Either way it was too late to worry now. Which left Louise on her own on the other side of a chain linked fence waiting for Archer to return. Louise considered finding somewhere to hide in case their approach had generated some kind of response, automated or otherwise. Strictly speaking of course there was no law that said that she could not loiter on this side of the fence, provided that she showed no inclination to trespass. But then again civilian laws and military doctrine were not always the most compatible of bedfellows, especially when secrets were concerned. However if she was already being observed then running off to hide would look even more suspicious. So for now she decided to take stock of the situation. Louise turned away from the base and looked around. [colour=gold]“Bleh.”[/colour] Sparse was by far the word of choice, with little to see save the occasional dead tree and rock protruding above the long grass. Of course she had seen the lay of the land on the way in and from the air no less but looking around at ground level had its advantages as well. Most importantly it let her form a rough idea of how far away she could be observed from, especially by someone who might have happened to follow her and Archer. And in turn the distance at which she in turn could see anyone approach. Though even that was of only moderate importance. Louise by her own admission was not well prepared offensively for the battles that were to come, her only attack craft was all but completely incapable of inflicting serious injury to even the softest of targets. At best she could deliberately burst someone’s eardrums. A distraction at best. But when it came to her defensive capacity it was another story entirely. In this case she was thinking of her ability to avoid battle altogether. Should the need arise she could use her Prana to enable the ‘Jet Method’ which with enough warning would allow her to outrun even the fastest of Servants. And with enough altitude she could be beyond the reach of most entirely, especially out of the city with nothing that they could scale for height. So for now she was safe enough, or at least she assumed so.