Aaron had intended to actually go in the lake, he really had, but as the events began to unfold he found himself occupying his senses with the small campground that was developing for the group of friends. He knew some people were opting to stay in the RV but he genuinely loved the outdoors and there was the perfect chance he'd be able to unzip the tent and look up at the stars. He loved the stars. He'd always shown huge amounts of enthusiasm when it came to nature and his father had often taken him out into the trails at night so they could see what the people of the town would never usually go far enough to explore. It relaxed him. He wanted to make sure his siblings understood its importance and its undeniable beauty. He prodded at the fire for a few more moments, taking in the sounds coming from the lake. They all sounded happy and he was truly enjoying it. He just enjoyed being around his friends and when they settled down it was always cool just to be together away from anything that could be plaguing their lives at the time. Then the sound of disruption was around him and he turned to see the vehicle in the small ditch. He rose straight away, quickly tossing a twig he'd been toying with and rousing in the flames back into the embers. He was going to head across to assist when he saw his companions emerge from the lake and assist. They were already there to help and he knew he could easily offer assistance but too many people would just get in the way and actually deter assistance. And then Scout was going in to....wow, he needed to relax. "Scout! Relax!" He called, hoping the boy wouldn't do himself harm. Just as he was about to move over to the van to do something, he saw that Rhea had been wandering out of his original space of vision and he nodded at her before moving across and into her way slightly, not stopping her but bringing himself around to talk. "Hey, if you leave now, you'll miss all this action," He joked to her and he rubbed idly at his chest. He should maybe put bug spray on in a bit incase the humidity rose. "And you shouldn't wander by yourself. Not to sound really overly protective or like I'm monitoring you or anything but you shouldn't always take trails alone unless you've got-" He paused and shook his head. What was he doing with these words? "I am just being daft, don't worry...but really," He crossed his eyes and indicated the van with a jerk of his head. "You might miss something crazy,"