I was told to join or die, so here ;_; [B]Name:[/B] Robert Robins [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Alias:[/B] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqk3CLFwFYg]Doc[/url] [B]Appearance:[/B] [img]http://d1oi7t5trwfj5d.cloudfront.net/7f/ff/36ac681f4d6c984508b590789d2f/aldis-leverage.jpg[/img] [B]Costume:[/B] No capes, no tights, no costume. [B]Abilities:[/B] Healing – “The user can manipulate healing and healing process, speeding any or all aspects of healing to the point of regenerating, or slowing and blocking healing. They can sense the health of anyone and the causes of wounds, diseases or injuries, the health history and possibly even genetic weaknesses and predispositions.” With ease he can swiftly heal minor wounds and close fatal wounds such as lost limbs, damaged nerves, and internal organs. With more concentration can he heal external wounds like broken bones and deep burns, and heal minor damage to internal organs. Requiring absolute focus he can completely heal internal organs, and heal damaged nerves to a certain extent, as well can regenerate critically fatal damaged cells. Though whatever requires his absolute focus causes him pain as/after he heals. So he really does encourage people to stay out of danger. He cannot heal long term wounds. Alternatively, he himself has an advanced regeneration process. Not of the likes of Logan, but fast enough that he can quickly come back from punches and kicks without feeling much pain from them. As well he’s more likely to survive fatal attacks than the average mutant, though he’s still pretty vulnerable and should not try to take bullets and blades like they’re nothing. He can speed up his regeneration process by absorbing the health of others which may cause them to become ill or die, but Robert doesn’t like using the ability even on people he doesn’t like. [B]Skills:[/B] Sharpness – Robert was always the type to hang back and watch others. His eye tends to notice how people stand and move now. Due to this, and given his medical knowledge, he tends to notice weak points in certain areas of the body. As well, by standing back and watching he can tell if something is off about a certain situation or person faster than the average person would. Stealth – Due to his nature of standing back and watching Robert has learned how to stay out of the attention of others. He generally goes unnoticed in a room unless he speaks or is the center of attention, but let him stop speaking and have others turn their attention elsewhere it would seem as if he was never there in the first place. Fighting – The extent of Robert’s combat ability comes from street fighting, so while he has no real fighting training he can throw a hard punch or two, and he isn’t afraid to play dirty. With his sharpness and stealthy nature he understands how to jump away from an attack and strike at the best moment. [B]Personality Traits:[/B] Robert comes off as someone who is quiet and distant when in fact he’s just work focused or lost in thought. He’s actually outgoing as he will speak whatever is on his mind no matter what it is, and when he speaks it’s usually something to add to the situation or something that shows his deadpan snarker nature. Although he is cynical he is very kind and can be playful, though mostly only playful with children. [B]Backstory:[/B] Robert grew up with both of his hardworking parents. They worked most of the time so Robert never got to spend much time with them, but he knew they worked as much as their racist environment would allow just for him, so he never had any sort of resentment towards his parents for the lack of attention. He was raised to be respectful and kind, and was encouraged to keep his studies up in the poor environment. He would read non-fiction whenever he would get the chance, though in their state would end reading the same books continuously. Robert had only three friends growing up in which all of their parents were friends, so they stuck together because of their parent’s affiliation. By time he was a teenager the toll of lynching had been reducing, but his parents, as well as the parents of his friends, had been lynched after one night of hearing marching outside. That was around the time Robert had found out about his ability. As he hugged the corpse of his mother and father their wounds began closing up. Very few people noticed, those few being his friends. Skip to the present and Robert now works as a doctor due to filling in as one as men went to war. He secretly uses his mutant abilities to help those in need. He was so good at his work that he was one of the people who hadn't gotten their job taken away when the war was over. [B]Other:[/B] He is fit and stands at six feet. Black American. Notes: For things I didn't touch much upon in the bio, it was intentional. I would rather it be learned in the IC.