Ravenwood was a nice enough village, although Alula never liked staying in one place for very long. It fascinated the oracle how so many walks of life could coexist so perfectly together. It filled her with a strange sense of nostalgia, but her weakened memory could pin no time in her life to what she was doing right now. Which was talking through an almost market district of the small village. It looked mostly like small stands and people trying to appeal their wares to her. But their voices seemed to fade away, alula's hazy eyes sweeping lazily along the stalls as the voice in her head spoke. [i]"Her goods are overpriced, but the man next to her is more pricy. You would be better off waiting until later in the evening. Desperate salesmen make quick barter."[/i] The people running the stalls flashed grins as the girl, not noticing the far away look in her eyes. She did not speak, or respond to their chatter about how their prices were the best in town. Instead she grunted softly, and walked off. She had plenty to spend, she really didn't have to worry about high prices. She blamed this mostly on her dislike of material wealth, she always was loosing odd trinkets. As she walked away from the stall she could hear people talking, talking about her. She frowned, pulling the rim of her hat over her eyes. She didn't want to be looked at. She had been in this town for almost a week, and she was just trying to pass through. Eventually, and with all hope, people would soon forget about her. People tended to.