Elijah and Kate had made their way back to the animal enclosures and poked around to see where Claire had run off to. Eventually she resurfaced, whip in hand. This time, Kate stood still and kept quiet instead of opening her mouth again. What Eli had said still sat fresh in her mind and she knew she needed to leave Claire be. It took Kate by great surprise when Claire took her hand and gave her a reassuring squeeze. She did her best not to react too greatly to the gesture, simply smiling ever so slightly and returning the squeeze. Her heart thumped in her chest at the notion that things were going to be alright. Hopefully at the very least their friendship would remain unharmed throughout the process, she could only hope. "Well, I didn't bring my pitchfork with me or else I'd say we should burn her at the stake." Elijah returned the nervous laughter with a less awkward chuckle, shaking his head. "We might as well see what she has to say, at the very least she may have some answers that could prove useful to us." He shrugged his shoulders. Kate nodded in agreement, "That's true. I don't suggest we act until we have an idea of what's really going on." She doubted Elena had done anything like this on purpose, and it was hard to believe that she was capable of such magic. That is until recently, of course. Too many oddities had occurred to deny such forces could exist. "Very well then, let's go pay the boss a visit, yeah?" Elijah tucked the blade that was on his waist into his trousers and covered it up with his shirt. No point in looking threatening if there was no need, especially not with all of the cops patrolling the grounds for their investigation. He set off leading the way, checking over his shoulder to make sure the girls were following. "Well, what are we going to say to her? We can't just knock on her door and say 'Hey Elena, mind telling us about that voodoo stuff you did the other night? Seemed a little murderous if you ask us.' She'll probably send us to the same fate as that poor woman earlier." Kate questioned. Elijah raised an eyebrow at her, but kept walking. "I think maybe you should leave the talking to me or Claire, Kate. Your way with words seems to be fleeting today." He flashed a grin, which she returned with a huff. "We should probably start vague, wait to see if she fesses up before we have to bring it up ourselves."