[center][h3]- Vice Principal Nina Smith -[/h3][/center] [i]'Whatever you need from me, Master.'[/i] Nina once again had to suppress a shudder as Deia intruded into her mind, this time with a message. Other than Deia, only one other at this school had telepathy, and that was Isaac Archer, otherwise known as the Interceptor, and he obviously had the wisdom and decency to know when using his powers was appropriate or not. Deia was a child, a child raised under very dark circumstances, and like any child, she needed to be taught to identify what was right from what was wrong. Before she could respond to Deia, Dorian spoke up as he went to help Cheol. [color=00a99d]“Already on it,”[/color] he grumbled. [color=00a99d]“No need to yell, vice prez.”[/color] Nina merely smiled at his gruff manner. Dorian scooped up Cheol into his arms, carrying him the same way someone would carry a baby. [color=00a99d]“I’ll in the infirmary if you need me,”[/color] he called over his shoulder, and headed off in the direction of the infirmary. Once he was a little way away, Nina quickly decided to address the students. "Don't worry," she said, already noticing the concerned expressions on some of the students' faces. "As some of you may already know, Dorian is not only a nurse, he also has the ability to heal others. Your classmate will be fine." She smiled. "Now, go ahead and pick your rooms. Anything on your person that you don't need to carry around, feel free to put it away. I'll give you five minutes, then I shall show you to the dining hall." With a small nod, Nina then turned away from the children and went over to Deia, hoping that the students would go about their business and she'd be able to take a moment to take Deia to the side and talk to her quietly. Crouching down so she was eye-level with the girl, Nina gave her a smile. "Deia," she said gently. "Now I know things were very different for you at your last two... 'homes', but here, things are different. There are going to be some new rules. For one: I would appreciate it if you didn't call me 'Master'. You may call me..." She paused. What would be the best thing for a young girl, horribly broken and likely very scared, to call someone who would be looking after her? Vice Principal seemed far too formal, and while she would be fine with terms like 'Professor' and 'Miss' from her normal students, Deia probably needed someone a lot more solid and caring than a teacher. Like a... No. No, Nina. Don't. Just don't. "You may call me Nina," she said. "Unless you're in a lesson, of course, then you must call me Professor or Miss, just as your classmates would." She paused for a moment before giving a little nod. "Second: from now on, could you please use your powers sparingly? If you want to ask something or talk to someone, use your voice. As useful as your powers can be, if someone is in listening distance, it would be better to talk to them. Intruding into people's minds, well..." She grimaced slightly. "Some might not like it. You understand?" [hr] [center][h3]- Cheol Akiyama -[/h3][/center] The last thing Cheol became aware of before he completely lost consciousness was that someone seemed to be carrying him. Then he must have blacked out, because when he woke up, he was lying in a bed in a room he didn't recognise. First thing he did was feel around for his bag, the one that held his mask. Once he felt it, he gave a sigh of relief and pushed himself up into a sitting position, his head feeling fuzzy, and it took him a moment to regain his memories. Once he did... [i]'Ha!'[/i] a familiar voice hissed in his mind. [i]'Wimp!'[/i] Checking his surrounding and seeing he was alone, Cheol unzipped his bag and brought out the mask, lying it on his lap. [b]"What the hell was that for?"[/b] Cheol hissed in Japanese. [i]'You were ignoring me!'[/i] the voice whined. [i]'You took me out, showed me off to your new girlfriend-"[/i] [b]"Kitty's not my-"[/b] [i]'And you stuffed me back in the bag and forgot about me!'[/i] the mask continued. [i]'You haven't put me on ages! Come on!'[/i] [b]"Now is not the appropriate time,"[/b] Cheol said. [i]'Pfft!'[/i] the mask scoffed. [i]'You are so boring! Boring, boring, boring!'[/i] Getting annoyed with the mask's attitude, Cheol started to put it back in the bag. [i]'Hey! Hey! Hey! What are you doing? Don't put me back in there!'[/i] the mask whined. [i]'HEY!'[/i] With that last shout, Cheol suddenly felt a horrible pain splitting through his mind and he gave out a cry, accidentally knocking his mask off the bed and onto the ground, clutching his head.