[img]http://i.gyazo.com/d01c4bff4af7504b823b0768cfa67183.png[/img] Name: Mason Lockwood Age: 20 Occupation: Mechanic/Handyman Weapons: A monkey wrench Abilities / Plasmids : TBA Brief Bio: Mason had a pretty average upbringing but was taught early in life to be independent and not rely on others so much. He learned the value of working toward your goal, mostly through hard labor. His dad took pride in having a son among all daughters and would often take time to teach the boy practical skills. His father passed away before he graduated High School and he went on to work odd jobs for his Uncle. He enjoyed his work but found he was getting bored of his average lifestyle and job. He began experimenting with various substances and became addicted. After months, he cleaned up his act in order to get a job and make a living for himself. Eventually, he landed a job working as a handyman in a research lab of sorts. One day, a man from the facility approached him, searching for his boss in hopes that he could accompany a small team of researchers on an underwater expedition. As luck would have it, his boss was out on a personal leave. Mason saw the opportunity to escape his mundane life, if only for a while, and volunteered to take his place, despite his lack in experience. Other: Is the furthest thing to a lady’s man. Prone to addiction. Enjoys snacks.