"Again, not my friend." Martin objected but his tall conversation partner had already gone rabit hunting. [i]A shame for the guy, he seemed like the kind of guy he could tag for reqruitment, chances of that were looking slimmer by the second. Speaking of life expectancies.[/i] He stood before the vampiress uncomfortably and slightly visibly so. "So... locks and keys..." The way she smiled at him, [i]a playfullness that could go either way. Gruesomely violent or diabolically... intresting.[/i] He instinctively copied her movements slightly, and matched her smile. "By the looks of you... It's hard to tell who you are, who you've been and why you are. But there's one thing I'd wager. You did't bring your beautiful unholy self to this council because you have a stake in current trivialties have you? You seek something else. Could it be power? knowledge? Maybe it's just fun?"