[Hider=Appearance][img]http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/463/keij.jpg[/img][/Hider] [color=00aeef][B]Nishihara Kei[/B][/color] [b]Mocha Dreams[/b] So, here we were, Mocha Dreams. I was sitting on table near the window, across from me sat giant-san, Kirima-senpai, and we waited for someone who would take our order. Slowly, I noticed that the waitress aproaching us was familiar, but only realized it when she asked us our order, seeming very nervous for some reason. I guessed it was the clothes. "[color=00aeef][b]Ah, you're the glasses girl from this morning.[/b][/color]" Kirima-senpai's not-girlfriend also called me artist-kun. Had she also noticed my sketches...? That actually gave more urgency to talking with the violinist later. As I was figuring out whether to just order normally or turn this into a conversation (probably not advised since glasses girl was working), my mind was captured by Ria suddenly appearing behind glasses girl and harassing her. Ice delinquent was ice delinquent after all, could that be her way of greeting co-workers? "[color=00aeef][b]What was that for?[/b][/color]" Ria's "greeting" could not have been nice to the nervous girl. The ice delinquent apparently decided that she needed to speak with us, and sat down at our table, while I wondered if that was all normal behavior for her. Considering her habits, it probably was. "[color=00aeef][b]My cousin...?[/b][/color]" I stopped to think for a moment. There was a fairly distant branch of the family with which I had little contact. I though they did have children close to my age. Was that what Ria was taking about? "[color=00aeef][b]How did you come to know of this? Which one of them was kidnapped?[/b][/color]" I unconsciously grabbed Ria's arm, feeling now nervous myself. Even though they were relatives which I barely knew, if someone was kidnapped, I really needed to do something.