[center][img]http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a581/Savi_Davis/Mobile%20Uploads/0387E8F6-6CBE-4BE5-8EE5-9B4D517FD38B_zpsurzbvvfj.jpg[/img][/center] [center]Faeya "Fae" Duvess {Age} 18 {Personality} Faeya is the type of girl that guys tend to stay away from because they think she is a tough girl. In actuality, Faeya is very kind and gentle with a feisty, stubborn shell. She can be very sarcastic and blunt about things that people are oblivious too, but in the same situation she is oblivious purposely. She is afraid of men so she pushes them away, but still wants a man to hold and protect. She can be very depressed and suicidal, but she hides it behind an outgoing, sarcastic girl. She blushes easily, but hates admitting to it. She is extremely short, 5'0 ft., and is one of those girls considered "punk" or "scene" but in actuality, she just does what she wants, she wears what she wants, and she says what she wants. {Short Bio} Del is a foster kid. She went from foster home to foster home her whole life and has experienced every form of torement a person could think of. She was beaten multiple times and at some point she just gave up on humanity. She was soon put in a foster home where the foster parents actually cared about her, but she was too far gone mentally to give them the time of day. They never gave up and to this day they hope to get closer to Adelisa. She doesn't talk about her past much. {Other} Adelisa is 5'0 and is an extremely talented singer/guitarist. She's the lead singer for a band called Hostile Heart. HAGS[/center]