[color=00a99d][b][u][center][h3]Dorian Lost[/h3][/center][/u][/b][/color] The hot chocolate was a masterpiece. Not Dorian’s hot chocolate, of course. He had never been a fan of unnecessary garnishes and whatnot, and in fact didn’t really like sweets at all. So his own drink was plain and simple. But the one he’d made for Twitchy Boy out there… now, [i]that[/i] was a masterpiece. It was a fragrant, chocolate-y beverage of the gods, rich and thick, and topped with just the right amount of whipped cream and marshmallows. Hell, it was even at the perfect temperature. In other words, Dorian had outdone himself. He’d just finished putting the last marshmallow atop the drink when he heard the thud and the shout come from the other room. Dorian froze. He took Cheol’s hot chocolate and hurried to the other room, where the boy… Was kneeling on the floor, clutching his head. Jesus. Dorian placed the hot chocolate carefully on the ground beside the boy, and gently pried Cheol’s hands away from his head, replacing them with his own. [color=00a99d]“Hey,” [/color]he said awkwardly, trying to keep his voice down. The kid was clearly in a lot of pain. [color=00a99d]“It’s gonna be okay. Just… relax. Relax and it won’t hurt anymore.”[/color] He closed his eyes and breathed out slowly, concentrating. Reaching out with his own mind, Dorian soothed Cheol’s throbbing mind with waves of calm, cooling numbness. The pain would be fading away, certainly. Dorian’s power had nothing to do with actual, physical injuries, after all. He couldn’t magically make things heal. He dealt only with the dealing out and taking away of pain… a sort of walking, talking anesthesia, hence his superhero alias. When he was certain that Cheol wasn’t feeling any pain anymore, he removed his hands from the small boy’s head, picked up the hot chocolate he’d made, and shoved it at the kid. [color=00a99d]“Here you go,”[/color] he said gruffly, trying not to show his embarrassment. [color=00a99d]“This is for you. Kids like sweet things, right? Just… drink it. Or don’t drink it. Whatever.”[/color] Kitty Lee certainly did. She’d been babbling on and on the whole time he’d been treating her. But did this kid like sweet things too? Well, whatever. Chocolate was good for boosting people’s mood, and it looked like this boy definitely needed it. And the extra calories, too: he was certainly rather shrimpy looking. There was a menacing looking mask on the ground, but Dorian pointedly ignored it. They’d searched all the kids for cursed items and whatnot, so it probably wasn’t too dangerous, if that hadn’t been taken away. And if it wasn’t, then it was honestly none of his business. [color=00a99d]“You’re in the infirmary right now,” [/color]he said gruffly. [color=00a99d]“But you’ll rejoin your friends later, so don’t worry about that. Just… relax. Or something. I’m Dorian Lost, if you don’t remember. The school nurse. Anyway, more importantly: what the hell happened? You collapsed earlier, you know.”[/color] He sighed, and patted the boy on the shoulder uncomfortably. He was a little concerned about the boy, even if he'd never admit it. [color=00a99d]“Hell of a way to start the school year, you know. If you're tired, feel free to sleep here for a little while. We've got plenty of beds, and I can make you something later if you get hungry.”[/color]