[quote=@Silentsniper211] [b]"This is Alaska to all remaining teams on board the ship we are waiting in the larger hangar make you way here and we'll have it secure,"[/b][b]"you might want to keep your eyes on the door, we need to keep this hangar secure."[/b] [/quote] [b]"Looks like our day gets better and better doesn't it?"[/b] Oregon said to himself, knowing the other hanger wasn't to far but how crowded was it was the new question. [b]"Cal, you said armoury right? Heading your way. Penn, where are you? We don't have much time to kill before we have none."[/b] Moving down one of the hallways, Oregon ran into one of the guards standing there back turned looking at a down the hall with the sign saying armoury. [b]"Oi, mate"[/b] "Whoa, stop where you are. You're one of them aren't you!?" Poor boy is about to piss himself, you could hear his fear, [b]"Look, set the rifle down, I won't kill you"[/b] It was surprising to see the kid put his rifle down, Oregon quickly slammed his head into the wall knocking him out, [b]"Sorry bout the headache!"[/b] Oregon called as he ran down the hallway to meet up with Cal