Criminal Dossier: Name: Farvis Kren Species: Genetically enhanced human. Enhancements include Negligible Senescence (non-aging), Drastically improved immune system, enhanced radiation resistance, increased regeneration rate, trigger-able alpha state (bullet time), enhanced adrenal system Crimes: Carrying out unlawful medical treatments, illegal genetic manipulation, practicing medicine without a license History: Born on Kalasis, a planet in the Proxima Centauri system, he witnesses the death of millions at a young age when a plague infected his planet. It took over a year for the Galactic Medical Society to find a cure for the disease, by which time both of his parents had died. He was raised by his grandparents, and vowed to put an end to suffering and disease. By the time he was an adult he had a degree in genetics and had begun training for his doctorate in medicine. He started conducting medical research in his own home, selling the results of his experiments to the GMS whenever they had need of them. Shortly after graduating, however, the Antharan Security Force found that he was testing his genetic treatments on larval Antharans. While they had no protection under Antharan law, and weren't even officially recognized as sapient beings, he was linked to terrorists with intrests in biological weapons, have used them to get supplies on the black market, which gave the authorities probable cause to search his lab. There they found evidence of other crimes, and he was arrested. He was released from prison three weeks ago on probation, and then arrested a few days later on charges of practicing medicine on a revoked license. The military secured his temporary release on the grounds that he help with the Lone Star. Equipment: none