[@Kurisa][@Phobos] Sai followed Captain Akigari as he lead herself and Captain Saiyo to a quaint little tea shop. She admired the interior while taking a seat, shifting her body into a comfortable position. Leaning her elbows on top of the table in front of her while resting her chin within the palms of both hands, Sai watched Captain Akigari's lips as he spoke highly about his Squad member. Now this really gave Sai something to smile about, which she did. [color=a187be][b]"I do agree, it does give me a warm feeling whenever I see my Squad members achieve their aspirations also, or any other Shinigami for that matter."[/b][/color] Sai added after Captain Saiyo spoke. Captain Akigari's question was one that Sai wasn't expecting, however it did trigger her thoughts. Captain Saiyo then turned to her. [color=a187be][b]"Eh? Hmhmh, well I'm pretty interested in what you have to say Captain Saiyo, since you are the newest one here after all. I assume that your opinion on this subject would be much different than mine or Captain Akigari's; the two of us seem to be on the same page by the looks of things."[/b][/color] Sai smiled at the Captain of Squad ten, truly intrigued by ideas of what the Captain might think. However, since it seemed he passed the question to her first, Sai felt that she might as well answer. [color=a187be][b]"Well, to give my answer to your question Captain Akigari, I feel that meaning of being a Captain is to command, train and protect your Squad, as one would usually think. Although, I also feel that being a Captain is a constant learning experience. I've met so many different personalities within my Squad alone during my time as Captain, each with their own specific way of wanting to handle certain situations. Truthfully I think a good Captain needs to be able to fulfil their duty, but to more than just what is required. Us Captains must go the extra mile for those in our command, but must also learn to do so in a way that helps our members improve and learn from their mistakes while thriving in situations that may or may not be extremely dangerous. With all that said, I don't think there is a specific meaning to being a Captain, apart from the definition of the word and it's duties of course, since we all have different personalities and outlooks on many things. For me, I just do what I feel I need to do, not solely what I'm required to do as Captain... I don't know if that is a valid answer but it's just what I think ehehe..."[/b][/color] Finishing her thoughtful speech, Sai rubbed the back of her head sheepishly while releasing a short chuckle. [color=a187be][b]"Anyway, I think we should share our thoughts on the Head Captain's decision some point soon. I'd like to find out what you two have planned for your Squad members, old and new."[/b][/color] Sai sat up straight, smiling with slight excitement while showing readiness to get down to business.