The orientation had gone smoother than normal. Nothing to worry about as the recruits seemed very promising. Center decided to check with Dr. Quincy and Dr. Semyonov for consultation. "Amphibious weaponry have optimal results. We have managed to modify existing weapon systems to be able to fire both on land and in sea. We have used darts and high-pressure compressed air in our modifications. Further advancements enabled superiority over the systems of the Cold War. Thanks to the paranormal alloys, they can be used in conventional firearms as well though the railguns make optimal use of the darts as they do not need the compressed air." "What about our energy weaponry?" "The energy weapons have also been modified to operate underwater, lasers in particular. Plasma weapons were deemed suitable for close quarters battle while the lasers better for very long ranges. It is recommended that our heavies and our assaults get the plasma while the snipers and supports get the laser weaponry once the tougher enemies come around." "Do you have any alternatives?" Dr. Semyonov stepped in to make a proposal. "Seeing that the aquatic life is more vulnerable to temperature changes than we are, I propose a system of thermal weaponry. It should be aquatic and land able. It would most likely be in beam form and we can derive the designs from our energy weapon systems. Once we get enemy autopsies, we can refine the idea much further." Both concurred. "Once the autopsies are finished, let us know."