Vis trudged through the dense mud, tired and with a gloomy expression on his face, though it would be difficult to make out, his scarf worn tightly around his face and over his nose, obscuring the expression and the gaping hole in his maw. Vis had been accosted by a group of thugs on the main road, though this generally wasn't an issue as he would run away and they would lose interest eventually but it seemed these things were desperate, as they chased him half way into the moor before deciding it was no longer worth it. He didn't like running away, if there was only one or two of them he would have stood his ground, unfortunately there were half a dozen.  He tilted his head up to the sky to find light grey plooms of smoke in the distance, beyond the hill that was beyond the next. There were too many points of smoke for it to be a campsite but not quiet enough to be an industrial estate, so he figured it must have been some little township.  Vis made it to 'Ravenwood' in the afternoon, drained from the task of traversing through mud that felt only the need to slow him down, so with some relief he slung his pack around so it was under his nose and opened it. He saw the cobbled street. His mood quickly turned dower, the bottom of his pack must have snagged on a branch and have been torn, spilling it's contents. 'that's why those highway men turned, they just had to pick up what they wanted.' With a sigh, he took what was left in the pack and cast it into an alleyway, though funnily enough all that was in there was the child's encyclopedia his mother gave him before leaving, so he could brush up on reading skills. Vis tucked the book into his leather armor and wandered forth.  The market district was buzzing with activity, buyers haggling over prices and venders hawking their wares, though all Vis needed was a replacement pack and a few basic bits. Wandering the stalls and booths, he found nothing met his eye, mostly because of the high prices but also because many of the packs were just of low quality. Unsatisfied, he walked through the market, casting a faint green cone of light from his cursed green eye.