[center][h3]- Cheol Akiyama -[/h3][/center] Cheol's headache was so powerful that it overtook his senses, meaning he hadn't noticed anyone entering the room until heard a voice which, his current state, he was unable to recognise. [color=00a99d]“Hey, it’s gonna be okay. Just… relax. Relax and it won’t hurt anymore.”[/color] Cheol felt someone crouching next to him and prying away his hands and instead, placing their own on temples. Slowly, the pain began to ebb away until, after a few minutes, it was completely gone, and the person took his hands away. Cheol felt his senses returning, just as his mysterious helper shoved a cup of chocolate he made into his hands. [color=00a99d]“Here you go,”[/color] Cheol's helper said, who turned out to be the nurse who had helped Kitty earlier. [color=00a99d]“This is for you. Kids like sweet things, right? Just… drink it. Or don’t drink it. Whatever.”[/color] Cheol carefully took the cup and gave a small nod at the man. "Thanks," he muttered, trying to remember the man's name. He was sure someone had said it to him, but in his currently weakened state, it was too difficult to recall. Instead, he simply stared into his cup. He'd heard of hot chocolate, but he'd never had any before. Curiously, he meekly took a sip... ... and ended up burning his tongue. While he didn't exclaim with pain, he did start shaking one of his hands about as if he was trying to fan himself. Eventually, the pain died down, and he decided to wait a little for the drink to cool before having any more of it. [color=00a99d]“You’re in the infirmary right now,” [/color] the man said gruffly. [color=00a99d]“But you’ll rejoin your friends later, so don’t worry about that. Just… relax. Or something. I’m Dorian Lost, if you don’t remember. The school nurse. Anyway, more importantly: what the hell happened? You collapsed earlier, you know.”[/color] Cheol's face flushed slightly at that last part. 'Don't remind me,' he thought to himself. All the kids must have thought he was a wimp for fainting earlier. Was he going to end up getting bullied at this school too? The very thought of that worried him, as, while being bullied at normal school was bad enough, being bullied at a school for people with superpowers would be worse. Cheol then heard Dorian sigh and felt the man patting him on his shoulder. [color=00a99d]“Hell of a way to start the school year, you know. If you're tired, feel free to sleep here for a little while. We've got plenty of beds, and I can make you something later if you get hungry,”[/color] Dorian said. Cheol blinked, and then smiled. "Thank you," he said. "But I think I'm mostly okay now." He wondered about whether he should try explain why he had fainted, but he got the feeling that saying he had had a headache caused by a magical mask that could talk to him, but ONLY him, was more than likely to get him sent to a very different kind of medical station. Or worse, they might [i]believe[/i] him and take the mask away from him. Then he'd be completely powerless, and he didn't want that. He didn't want that all. So instead, Cheol simply muttered, "Just had a really bad migraine, that's all."