[img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Taran&name=DJB%20Scruffy%20Angel.ttf&size=40&style_color=47A83E[/img] [color=00a651]"I used to be one of those kids, kind of, and I know that every single one of them probably were thinking of a pay off when they helped you. It's what I would have done," [/color] He licked his lips. Watching as a two of the children were bickering about who got a slightly bigger piece of bread. [color=00a651]"I'm not saying that helping is not needed, but you have to think about what your charity might do. Sometimes even the best intentions only lead to harm," [/color] [color=00a651]"Oh, I bet that there will be plenty of people coming after us without enticing the orphan population," [/color]He muttered. He watched as Prince took off in the direction he pointed. Taran was left standing there a moment, shaking his head. [color=00a651] "My sense of adventure? It was my idea to do this and I'm the one without a sense of adventure," [/color] He chased after the other, via the roofs instead of the allies. It ran a little higher risk of being caught, that was, if someone looked up. It was surprising how few people did. Night had completely fallen by the time they entered the building. [color=00a651]"You /like/ the thrill of getting caught, good, that is good, I knew I should have invited Winter to come,"[/color] Taran shook his head, landing softly on the floor of the room beside Prince. [color=00a651]"But do me a favor. Tonight don't make this more risky than it has to be. It is risky enough without, I don't know, playing fetch with the house dog,"[/color] He dusted off his pants and looked around the room. At first glance he was certain that they had hit a dud house. The room was dark and dirty and filled to brim with broken and worthless stuff. At second glance, it became clear that the room was being used for storage, rather than as someone's home. There were no clear pathways and everything was stacked on top of each other without rhyme or reason. Taran quickly made his way across the room, being mindful of where he stepped so he didn't knock over any of he piles. Soon he reached the far door that had a line of golden light peaking out from under it. He grabbed the handle of the door and it clicked open, showing the hallway behind. [color=00a651]"Bingo,"[/color] he muttered under his breath, motioning for Prince to follow. It was like switching from day to night. The hallway was polished marble with a thick fluffy rug made of some kind of animal. The walls were covered with paintings that he didn't dare to even guess the price of. There was furniture scattered about the hall that seemed as though it only existed to look pretty. It was as if the world beyond the walls didn't even exist. This place was just so...clean. Instead of smelling of smog, it smelt of vanilla and another scent he couldn't quite place.[color=00a651] "I bet you anything that the ashtrays alone cost more than what you've spent today," [/color]He whispered to Prince.[color=00a651] "Now the real question is, where do you think that they keep the really good stuff?"[/color]