[color=00a99d][b][u][center][h3]Dorian Lost[/h3][/center][/u][/b][/color] Cheol took a sip of the hot chocolate… and promptly burned his tongue. Dorian scowled, unnecessarily irritated by the fact that the kid didn’t seem to like it that much. Got a problem? He’d been proud of that drink, okay? [b]"Thank you," [/b]said Twitchy Boy. [b]"But I think I'm mostly okay now."[/b] He paused, glanced at the creepy mask and then muttered. [b]"Just had a really bad migraine, that's all."[/b] Yeah, that was complete bullshit. But whatever. Dorian didn’t care about whether some kid wanted to put himself in harm’s way. He couldn’t care less, in fact! …but he was still going to alert the Vice President as soon as possible. Dorian shrugged. [color=00a99d]“Cool. In that case, you’re all set,”[/color] he said, doing a rather excellent job of sounding vaguely bored. He got to his feet, and rummaged around in his drawer until at last he found what he was looking for: a nice little packet of Advil, enough for two day’s treatment. He penciled in the boy’s name on the label, and dropped it on the ground in front of the kid. [color=00a99d]“Well, here’s some Advil in case the pain comes back. Take one at a time, and try to have something to eat first. If it gets worse and the Advil isn’t helping, come see me. Got it?”[/color] He paused, and then added, [color=00a99d]“And drink the rest of that hot chocolate when it cools down. Take the mug with you. You don’t need to return it.”[/color] Dorian groaned. God, he hated the first day of school, he really did. All this dealing with injuries and the unnecessary worrying was starting to give [i]him[/i] a headache. [color=00a99d]“Anyway,”[/color] he continued, heading back over to his desk. [color=00a99d]“Your friends are at the dormitories, and that’s just down the hallway. You can’t miss it. But in case you’re just as incompetent as most of your peers seem to be, head [i]left[/i]. Not right. [b][i]Left.[/i][/b] Capiche?”[/color] And with that, he settled in to fill out the paperwork for all the injuries he’d treated that day. Kitty Lee’s arm, Aspen Archer’s hands, Cheol Akiyama’s so-called ‘migraines’… Christ, he needed a raise.