Carver strode through the marketplace confidently, his heavy armor clanking with every step. So far, everything seemed to be in order - the hustle and bustle of commerce carried on around him, seemingly unabated by any sort of wickedness or villainy whatsoever. The prices seemed to be reasonable, the merchandise legitimate - nobody was being cheated here. Carver was glad to see it; too many villages he had been to on his journey so far had been rife with dishonesty and corruption. As he ruminated on the morality of the village, he caught sight of a scrawny gnome stumbling through the crowd. He watched as the gnome took hold of a woman's robe, staring at the fabric with childlike wonder. She immediately turned and yanked it from him, saying something unintelligible but obviously rather flustered. Quite a pair - the girl seemed to be moving with a distinct limp, and the gnome clearly wasn't eating very well. It was hardly the stuff of legends, but Carver knew that every good deed mattered. With his best winning smile, Carver approached the pair, regarding them each in turn. "Good day, friends! Keeping safe, I should hope?"