Name: Prince Age 22 Birthday: May 21st Magic: Charm Magic- Charm magic is a holder support type of magic rather than using it offensively. Using different colored Magic Roses as their source of magic and using the scents and pheromones to create side effects for others. Although it can't force someone to fall in love, it uses the opponents deepest desires against them. Putting on Rose colored glasses one would say and put up a illusion of what attracts them most. Most of the time, it is used to direct the opponent to a person or thing and give that the illusion of their attractive desire. It depends on the person on how effective it is, but most who get directly influenced, even the strongest willed will feel hot, warm, and maybe slightly dizzy. But nothing dangerous. [list]*Red Rose~ This magic influences others to be 'charmed' and see what they find attractive and desire. Using the flowers scent to create the ideal pheromones depending on the person. Giving the illusion of attraction, falling in love, etc. although it may not be 100% successful for every person, it can be highly distracting. *Blue Rose~ This Rose has a pleasant smell that makes others sleepy and fall asleep and feel peaceful and relaxed. *Yellow Rose~ This Rose increases Ally speed. *Green Rose~ This Rose creates a defensive barrier. *Orange Rose~ This Rose in raises ally magical power. *Purple Rose~ A costly Rose that uses quite a bit of magic to heal allies. *Pink Rose~ This Rose has a temporary transformation ability to turn others into cute cuddly things. Their magical power remains the same, but now they are adorable![/list] Magic Level: C History: Prince doesn't really talk much about himself and most of his history isn't well known besides a few selected people. Which are a powerful Wizard named Rian and a transformation wizard named Karn. He pretty much grew up alongside Karn under Master Rian's teachings and the two of them grew up almost as siblings. Of course with Prince being the one causing trouble and mischief. After Master Rian disappeared as well as Karn, he set out on his own to explore the world, searching for something. Personality: Prince is a mysterious sorts, who hardly talks about himself and much prefers talking about others. Always seeming to avoid giving any information on him with a smile and laugh. Prince is outgoing and cheerful, always having a smile on and eagerly butting into people's business at random points in time. He can sometimes be a bit overbearing, but he mostly only tries to bring a laugh to others and cheer them up when they are down, in whatever means he can think of. One of which is being a hopeless flirt. Doesn't matter what gender someone is, or what.. Be it man, woman, beastman, whatever, he will occasionally flirt with them (especially when first meeting someone) and feign dramatic antics whenever they reject him. He acts childish, and not like he takes anything seriously and more or less looks for ways to have a good time. Even in battle. Despite his odd attitude, he is generally friendly and good hearted, always willing to help others with what they need. Though he worries more for others then himself, and tends to unintentionally forget things to care for himself. So sometimes he will pass out from lack of food or sleep. He tends to whine and complain when he wants something, or run off when he sees something he likes. Another childish factor. Although he seems to appear a idiot, he shows some unexpected wisdom. Often soloing missions but also preferring hanging out with others. He's a bit of a goofball and highly enjoys teasing others. As well as make fun games out of things. Like shipping random people together. Often even acting a bit like a fangirl when this situation arises. Team Members: None Three Strengths: [list]1. He's very fast. Extremely fast. He's fleet footed and knows how to work four guns at once. 2. He's optimistic and cheerful, often helping others and encouraging them to keep going. 3. He has good keen animal senses.[/list] Three Weaknesses: [list]1. Physically, he isn't the strongest guy. 2. He's never really takes anything seriously. 3. He isn't always honest.[/list] Greatest Love Flirting/Shipping Motivation To sail on the wings of loooooooooove. Appearance: [img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] Short red messy hair with bright catlike teal eyes. He stands around 7'5 and has a lean toned build. Wears a red open coat that shows his bare torso, revealing a X shaped scar on his chest. Wearing a red raggedy scarf around the throat as well as a darker red hat with a gold feather, his right eye is covered in a black eyepatch, hiding the large slash scar going across it and the dimmed teal eye. Wearing dark navy pants with gold trimmings. Has a brown belt around his hips with two gun holster on each side. Has furry long pointed ears and a red cat tail. His Guildmark is a crimson red and is on his back in the middle of his shoulder blades. Additional Details: [list]* He is a member of Dragon Fang. * His ears and tail are very sensitive. * He seems to be under a magical curse, but the details are unknown. * His real name is only known by Master Rian and Karn. * He's a bit of a compulsive thief and liar. * He likes singing and dancing, and generally being a party animal. * He is very nimble and well balanced. Great at climbing up trees, buildings, free running and acrobatics. Surprising most because he's so tall. * He's a cat that can play the fiddle. Or Violin. * He sometimes breaks out in song. * He adores cute things. * He has a sense of fashion. * He has quite a bit of knowledge with herbs, sickness, and poisons. * He's been with Dragon Fang for about 4-5 Years. * His species is known as Pantera. Not much is known about them. But he does eat magic and requires to consume some like any regular meal. This usually involves having to touch, hug, kiss, or bite someone or thing with magic in order to suck out the magical energy. * He knows how to sail a ship.[/list]