[i]Minegarde.[/i] Why. ---- Elize Abbott, daughter of a bow user, daughter of a man who died to this blazing black dragon, a bow user herself, a woman who almost died to the Deviljho, hated bugs. She made it her mission, no, her [i]purpose[/i] to kill every bug she saw. Most of the time it was stepping on them, hitting them with an arrow, whatever way she could, she killed those little ugly [i]things[/i]. She just stepped on a bug. Hooray. Elize sighed. Today was a slow day. She had wanted to go capture a monster, but some hunter took the quest right before her. She then was going to hunt, but some other hunter took that quest from her too, and the rest were just collecting things. So, today being dumb, Elize decided to rest for a day. There weren't any good quests lately, as well. After she stepped on that bug, she looked in the direction of where Matt usually was and said, "Matt? Are you cooking something?" "Yes! I'm cooking some fresh meat, nya." Meat? Meat. She'll wait.