[center][h3]- Cheol Akiyama -[/h3][/center] [color=00a99d]“Cool. In that case, you’re all set,”[/color] Dorian responded in a tone that showed he couldn't care less. Cheol remembered Kitty mentioning something about him being grumpy before, and now Cheol could see why. The nurse then turned away and started rummaging in a nearby drawer before handing Cheol a packet with his name on it. [color=00a99d]“Well, here’s some Advil in case the pain comes back. Take one at a time, and try to have something to eat first. If it gets worse and the Advil isn’t helping, come see me. Got it?”[/color] Cheol nodded hastily, taking the packet from Dorian. He hadn't heard of 'Advil' before, but he guessed from Dorian's words it was kind of pain-killer. Would normal medicine even work against a telepathically-induced headache? Well, it was worth a shot. [color=00a99d]“And drink the rest of that hot chocolate when it cools down. Take the mug with you. You don’t need to return it,”[/color] Dorian added quickly. "Okay," Cheol said with another nod, getting to his feet. He then placed the Advil in his shoulder-bag and quickly scooped the mask off the floor before shoving it roughly into the bag, almost purposively making it so that it would get at least a little scratched up in the process. [i]'Hey! Watch it!'[/i] the mask exclaimed, clearly not appreciating this treatment. 'Serves you right,' Cheol thought smugly to himself. [color=00a99d]“Anyway.[/color] Cheol turned his head back towards Dorian as the nurse starting speaking again. [color=00a99d]“Your friends are at the dormitories, and that’s just down the hallway. You can’t miss it. But in case you’re just as incompetent as most of your peers seem to be, head [i]left[/i]. Not right. [b][i]Left.[/i][/b] Capiche?”[/color] Cheol frowned, a little irritated with this guy's attitude. However, he was taught to always be polite to his elders, plus this guy was at least nice enough to help it out after her had fainted, so he gave a small bow of his head. "Thank you, [i]sensei[/i]," he said, before quickly exiting the sick bay, closing the door behind him. [i]'Woooow, that guy was a real asshole,'[/i] the mask commented. Cheol raised his eyebrow at this, and a small smirk formed on his face. [b]"Takes one to know one, I suppose,"[/b] Cheol muttered in Japanese. [i]'Hey, I heard that!'[/i] the mask replied irritably as Cheol headed left back towards his comrades.