[center][img]http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk44/freakiepoh/Konachan.com%20-%20190557%20sample.jpg[/img][/center] Time is running short for the Maledicti Family. They have but a month to repay their debts to Agares, a powerful demon of old. 7 generations ago, the head of the Maledicti Family struck a deal with the demon. Agares would grant them powers a mortal could only dream of in exchange for the souls of his descendants 7 generations later. Needless to say, the current Maledicti Family had no intentions of simply handing their souls over. Fortunately for them, Agares has offered them a deal. They would have to challenge him to a game in his own realm. If they won, they were free to go. If they lost... [hr] To put it simply, we will be rping as the Maledicti Family. Your character may or may not be close to the other members of the family but he will know of their existence. All members of the Maledicti Family possess magic. Some more powerful, some more specialized but all possess magic itself. We've risen to prominence over the past few centuries and live rather comfortable lives and we don't exactly intend for it to be taken away from us so easily. So of course we'll fight Agares, rejecting the offer would mean instant death otherwise. Wits will be tested and so will family bonds in this rp. Depending on how the rp unfolds, the genre might change but I currently have mystery and drama in mind. But theres always room for action and everything else as well. [hr] [b][u]Rules and Expectations[/u][/b] -Your character must be a member of the Maledicti Family. -You may be flexible with magic but not ludicrous with it. -1 post per week is the absolute minimum. -No smut. -Have fun. If this gathers enough interest, I'll post up a CS sheet~