[color=39b54a][center][b]Gren Orchid[/b][/center][/color] Luckily for Gren he managed to escape the wilds and was back at Beacon. His first thoughts once he came to wasn't about his survival or the well being of others (Though it was one of the most immediate thoughts) but on the nature of these anomalies. He had the desire to weaponize such things, but shortly after pondering that thought he looked around for the others. They too made it, one by one, with no grimm following. He would have to make it a point to ask Vorosky more about these things. Before he could ask himself however the bell for the next class rang. Shaking off excess water and sheathing The God Eater onto his back, Gren headed to his next class. Computer Science. On one hand, it was a deep and intricate subject that could lead to great esteem outside of Beacon. Computer and machines were on the rise in the world, to the point that it was a viable investment to buy a computer over a car, or to use robots instead of training hunters. Of course, it was best to blend both worlds instead of trying to replace one another. At least that's what Gren would like. Gren took a seat, one that could accommodate his massive girth, and listened to the processors rather curt introduction. [color=00a651]"Winging it huh?"[/color] Logging in and making a password, Gren read the assignment and debated what he needed to do. He had to admit, it was a while since he did coding like this. It didn't help that the professor never specified what format they'd be using, so he decided to start off with C++. As he tried to remember code, he spoke in a low mumbling voice what he was doing. [color=00a651]"Hmm... #include using namespace std;... Let's see... Int main() { int... No not int... There, string action1 = "eviscerates";... cout << "The hunter" << word- Wait, no, this needs to be randomly generated. Hmm. That changes things. What was it again... Ah, right, loops. Maybe that would work. Or does he want use to insert the actions? Some cin and cout than, but... Ah! I got it! Alright, this might be a bit crazy, but unsigned int seed... unsigned Attack = rand(), Counter rand();... cin >> counter; if... cout << "What do you do?" \n; wait that should go before the cin... else if (Action != Counter) cout... Errors? Oh, typo. And now... system("pause"); return 0;"[/color] Gren was too caught up in his work to help others, but by the time he was finished he created the program required. It would first tell the user that a grimm was attacking you using up to three different attacks. Than a list of the possible counter attacks was shown, with an input asking the user what to do from the list of counters. If the user chooses something that isn't in the list it would display the message "You tried that, but didn't have enough time!", though choosing the wrong counter would result in "That didn't work! The Grimm (random action) you!" Perhaps it wasn't the most interactive of programs, but with what little time he had to write it from both scratch and memory, he liked it. He did hope however that the teacher was going to actually teach them a little. Demonstrations perhaps. It's not like Gren expects this guy to teach them how to program their own Paladins or something, though Gren has already made plans for something like that. With the bell that signaled the end of class, Gren emailed his program to the professor, under the assumption that was how they were to turn in assignments. He noticed some of his fellow students looking rather... Dishearten. Gren wasn't really confident that he could tutor them given his own sparse knowledge of the subject, but better to work together than die alone, right? The first person he went to was Oswald, who seemed to have taken the most damage from this class. [color=39b54a]""Hey Oswald. That class was rather tough, wasn't it? Had an easier time dealing with Grimm than facing that monster. So hey, I know that looked pretty daunting but maybe you and me could work together, trying to figure how to work things out? God knows we'll need all the help we can get.[/color]