[@Mistress Dizzy] Well if we're referring to actual telekinetics rather than lumping telekinesis and telepathic powers in the same group, you've got Psylocke, Gilgamesh, The Scarlet Witch, (arguably) Emma Frost, Cable, Mephisto, and Blackheart on the marvel side, and on the DC side you've got Doctor Manhattan, Zatanna Zatara, Ace of Clubs (assuming she hasn't died in this universe), Klarion, Mento, and Manchester Black. There are very likely dozens more, but these are all of the ones I can remember after sitting here and wracking my brain for about five minutes followed by a google search to ensure each character I remembered actually had telekinetic abilities rather than just telepathic ones. I was going to suggest Martian manhunter, Ms.Martian, and Ma'alefa'ak, but I recall thier mental powers being limited to telepathic use rather than telekinetic.